Web Production Officer, Gsc Cairo

2 days ago

Cairo, Egypt HSBC Full time

**Some careers have more impact than others.**

**If you’re looking for a career where you can make a real impression, join HSBC and discover how valued you’ll be.**
**HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world, with operations in 64 countries and territories. We aim to be where the growth is, enabling businesses to thrive and economies to prosper, and, ultimately, helping people to fulfil their hopes and realise their ambitions.**
**We are currently seeking an experienced professional to join our team in the role of **Web Production Officer.**

**Principal Responsibilities**
**- **W**or**k **w**i**t**h **o**t**h**er **production staff** to **m**a**n**a**g**e a**n**d **m**a**i**n**ta**i**n cli**e**n**t **w**e**b**s**ites **us**i**n**g e**x**i**s**t**i**n**g c**o**n**t**e**n**t **m**a**n**a**g**e**m**e**n**t **s**ys**t**e**m**s **i**n HS**B**C **w**i**t**h**in **gu**i**d**e**l**i**n**es***:

- **A**ss**i**s**t** s**p**eciali**s**t**s to e**n**s**ur**e **b**e**s**t **s**ea**r**ch e**ng**i**n**e **p**lac**e**m**e**n**t **f**o**r **w**eb c**o**n**te**n***:

- **D**e**m**on**s**t**r**ate **f**a**m**i**lia**r**i**t**y **w**i**t**h **t**h**e **w**eb as a **m**e**d**i**u**m***:

- **D**e**m**on**s**t**r**ate **f**a**m**ilia**r**i**t**y **w**i**th **t**h**e **r**a**n**g**e **o**f c**o**n**t**e**n**t **m**a**n**a**g**e**m**e**n**t **s**ys**t**e**m**s **us**ed **w**i**t**h**i**n HS**B**C***:

- **D**e**m**on**s**t**r**ate **sound** **fundamental** **k**n**o**w**le**d**g**e **o**f **C**S**S**, H**T**ML a**nd **J**a**v**aSc**r**i**p**t***:

- **D**e**m**on**s**t**r**ate a**b**ili**t**y to **i**m**por**t te**x**t **a**n**d **d**ata **f**r**o**m e**x**te**r**n**al a**p**p**licati**o**n**s, **su**c**h as **W**or**d a**n**d **E**x**cel, **a**n**d to c**o**nv**e**r**t **e**x**te**r**n**al c**o**n**t**e**n**t **i**n**to a **w**e**b**-**a**ppropr**iate **f**or**m**at***:

- **E**n**s**u**r**e **q**u**ali**t**y c**o**n**t**ro**l **b**y c**h**e**c**k**i**n**g **p**a**g**e**s to **e**n**s**u**r**e all c**o**mm**e**n**ts **a**nd **c**h**a**n**g**es a**r**e **m**a**d**e, a**n**d **t**h**at **st**y**le **s**t**a**n**d**a**rd**s a**r**e a**d**h**e**r**ed to **b**e**f**or**e **j**o**bs **lea**v**e **t**h**e te**a**m***:

- **F**o**ll**o**w e**s**ta**b**li**s**h**ed **d**e**p**a**r**t**m**e**n**t **pro**t**o**c**o**ls a**n**d **pro**ce**ss**es***:

- **F**o**ll**o**w e**s**ta**b**li**s**h**ed **g**u**i**d**eli**n**e**s **f**o**r a**pp**l**y**i**n**g **m**e**ta**d**ata to c**o**n**te**n**t **a**n**d **w**e**b**s**i**tes **un**d**er **m**a**n**a**g**e**m**e**nt***:

- **F**o**ll**o**w e**s**ta**b**li**s**h**ed **o**n**l**i**n**e **j**o**b c**od**e/**f**ili**n**g **s**y**s**t**e**m **f**o**r all **w**o**r**k **prod**u**ced***:

- **F**o**ll**o**w i**n**d**us**t**r**y **s**ta**n**d**a**rd**s **fo**r **pr**o**p**e**r**ly **f**o**r**m**ed H**T**ML a**n**d **o**t**h**er **r**ele**v**a**n**t **w**eb **s**ta**n**d**a**rd**s***:

- **E**n**s**u**r**e a **h**i**g**h **q**u**ali**t**y **o**f **w**or**k **b**y c**o**ns**i**s**te**n**t**l**y t**a**k**i**n**g **r**e**s**po**n**s**i**b**ili**t**y **f**o**r **o**n**e**’**s **o**wn w**or**k**, **r**e**v**i**e**w**i**n**g it a**g**a**i**n**s**t **q**u**a**li**t**y **s**ta**n**d**a**rd**s**, **a**n**d c**o**ns**i**s**te**n**t**l**y **s**e**e**k**i**n**g to a**c**h**i**e**ve **ze**r**o **q**u**ali**t**y e**rror**s***:

- **E**n**a**b**le to **m**o**n**i**t**o**r a**n**d **i**m**prov**e **prod**u**cti**o**n **m**et**r**ic**s**, **b**ill cli**e**n**ts as **n**ec**e**ss**a**r**y**, **a**n**d **pro**v**i**d**e t**r**ai**n**i**n**g **oppor**t**un**i**ties t**h**rou**g**h t**h**e t**i**m**e**l**y **s**u**b**m**i**s**si**o**n **o**f **p**r**od**u**ct**i**v**i**t**y **r**e**por**t**s**.***:

- **E**n**s**u**r**e a **s**tea**d**y **i**m**pro**v**e**m**e**n**t in **o**n**e**’**s **s**k**il**l**s a**n**d ca**p**a**b**ilities **b**y **su**ppor**ti**n**g**, **p**la**nn**i**n**g **a**n**d atte**n**d**i**n**g c**o**l**la**bor**ati**v**e **w**o**r**k** a**n**d i**n-**h**o**us**e c**ro**s**s**-**t**r**a**i**n**i**n**g **opp**o**r**t**un**iti**e**s**, a**n**d a**ss**i**s**ti**n**g t**h**e **d**i**r**ect li**n**e **m**a**n**a**g**er in **d**e**v**e**l**op**i**n**g **o**n**e**’**s a**nn**u**al a**n**d **q**u**a**r**te**r**l**y t**r**a**i**n**i**n**g **p**la**n***:

- **M**ai**n**ta**i**n **pro**f**ici**e**n**c**y **i**n **c**u**rr**e**n**t **v**e**r**s**i**o**n**s **o**f **s**o**f**t**w**a**r**e **us**ed** w**i**t**h**i**n HS**B**C **t**h**at a**r**e **r**e**q**u**i**r**ed to **p**e**r**f**or**m **d**u**ti**e**s a**n**d **s**eek **w**r**itt**e**n ce**r**t**i**f**icati**o**n **o**f **pro**f**icie**n**c**y **f**r**o**m **t**he **li**n**e **m**a**n**a**g**er at lea**s**t **o**n an **a**n**nu**a**l **b**a**s**i**s***:

- **E**n**s**u**r**e c**o**m**p**li**a**n**ce **w**i**t**h all G**r**o**u**p**, G**ro**u**p Se**r**v**ice **C**e**n**t**r**e **(**GS**C**)**, c**o**m**p**a**n**y

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