تسويق إلكتروني Online Sales Account

3 days ago

مصر, Egypt Radio Talaat Full time

تسويق إلكتروني Online Sales Account Manager
- (E-Commerce)- Working from the company’s premises
- Previous experience in online sales through platforms such as Jumia, Amazon, Noon, etc.
- Check data accuracy for content and orders
- Experience in monitoring and managing campaigns
- Keeping an eye on competitors to ensure the best ranking in prices
- Achieve sales targets set by the company
- Good search skills for price comparisons
- Detailed content check for products
- Stay up-to-date with new products and features
- Understanding your customer's needs
- Maintain and update sales and customer records & orders
- Prepare and present business proposals (selling products) to clients
- Develop monthly sales reports
- Communicate important feedback from customers internally
- Ensure sales targets are met and report any deviations
- Stay up-to-date with new products and features
- Promoting the organization and products.
- Excellent Microsoft Office and excel

Job Requirements:
- Bachelor degree
- Good English
- Excellent selling, communication, and negotiation skills
- At least 1 year of experience in online platforms and processes
- Experience with online retailing platforms and processes
- Commercially aware with a sales focus
- Excellent communication skills.
- Excellent skills in Microsoft Office and Excel
- Detail Oriented
- Multi-task
- Persistence
- Time Management Skills
- Quick Learner
- Previous experience with ERP systems

**Job Category**:
**Sales & Retail**:
**Digital Marketing**:

- Job Requirements

Min: 1 Year Max: 3 Years

**Career Level**:

**Job Type**:
Full Time

5 Open Positions



**Degree Level**:
Bachelor's degree

**Faculty / Institute**:


Min: 22 Years Max: 35 Years


**Residence Location**:
Cairo, Egypt

Arabic - Native / Mother Tongue
English - Good

**Own a Car**:

**Have Driving License**:
- Job Skills
- مطلوب لشركة راديو طلعت
- تسويق إلكتروني Online Sales Account Manager (E-Commerce)- Working from the company’s premises
- Previous experience in online sales through platforms such as Jumia, Amazon, Noon, etc.
- Check data accuracy for content and orders
- Experience in monitoring and managing campaigns
- Keeping an eye on competitors to ensure the best ranking in prices
- Achieve sales targets set by the company
- Good search skills for price comparisons
- Detailed content check for products
- Stay up-to-date with new products and features
- Understanding your customer's needs
- Maintain and update sales and customer records & orders
- Prepare and present business proposals (selling products) to clients
- Develop monthly sales reports
- Communicate important feedback from customers internally
- Ensure sales targets are met and report any deviations
- Stay up-to-date with new products and features
- Promoting the organization and products.
- Excellent Microsoft Office and excel

Job Requirements:
- Bachelor degree
- Good English
- Excellent selling, communication, and negotiation skills
- At least 1 year of experience in online platforms and processes
- Experience with online retailing platforms and processes
- Commercially aware with a sales focus
- Excellent communication skills.
- Excellent skills in Microsoft Office and Excel
- Detail Oriented
- Multi-task
- Persistence
- Time Management Skills
- Quick Learner
- Previous experience with ERP systems

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